What's The Point of Christmas?


I'm trying to get this out of my head whilst the sensation is still fresh.

Genuinely - what was the point of all that? What was the point of Christmas?

I have no doubt that folks reading this have their own interpretations of what Christmas is - be it a religious observation; a familial event; a cultural bonanza; a shopping spree; an excuse to spend time with people you love.

The latter absolutely used to be the case for me; and certainly on some levels was still the case for me for Christmas 2023.

But I still find myself questioning what was the point; and why did I feel obliged to participate in a cultural juggernaut, when it's origins are so muddled in recent times?


It strikes me that the most prevalent version of Christmas (in the UK at least) is the commercialised one. Maybe not even figure-headed by Santa now - it's a pure economy-driving emblem, especially since Covid began - and without joining the choir of purists, I can't recall the last mention of Jesus as being central to Christmas these days.

Of course the genius of "Christmas" is that it has it's own in-built self-defence mechanism - I am sure the word 'grinch' has already jumped to the top of your mind; it's like a reflex - but is that the actual 'grinch' from the film? Or is it a generic label applied to someone who seems to be questioning Christmas?
Alternatively maybe you thought 'scrooge'? And rather than the specific character from the source material (The Muppet Christmas Carol); again, just a shorthand for someone who is 'doing down' on Christmas?
[If you actually watch the film, it equates Christmas to Love - but that Love is conditional on Christmas happening. Ultimately, is that right...?]


And - to be clear - I am not trying to harsh anyone's Christmas buzz. If Christmas is the thing for you; go for it. I'm hopefully not going to get in the way of you celebrating. I have a godchild that willingly participates in the great Christmas Lie-to-Children (thanks PTerry), and I wouldn't deprive her of that for a second - nor am I critical of their parents for participating in that great cultural tradition.

I think I am just trying to reason within myself, as to whether I buy into it anymore?

And - thus far - I think the only reasoning I can find is that this is a cultural narrative that has been embedded in me for a long long time - almost all of my life. But, whilst it was always a mix of Christianity and the jolly red man; it was never really explained *WHY*. I don't mean why these myths exist - shared cultural experiences knit together society in powerful ways - but what purpose do these have, other than to drive the economy, and give us all a shorthand to inflict ourselves on those dear to us, at one of the most daylight-limited times of the year.


I have a little insight into the earlier winter traditions; Saturnalia, Yule; but adopting these outright feels like just exchanging one pre-made ideology for another.

So I am thinking that it is maybe time to seek clarity within myself on what I might look to observe in future.
It makes sense to not reject all winter festival celebrations, in part not to alienate myself from all of my current observations - but also because it still works as a great excuse for taking time off work, and spending that time with loved ones.


Over the next few weeks, I am going to give real consideration to how I approach 'the year'. As you might be aware, the Ministry of Ginger's Department of Space and Time holds a Mogian Calendar - which I do take on-board, and align a number of things to - but do I wholeheartedly embrace the 'new year' within each Mogian year? Do I really understand what the two weeks of 'Yule' actually mean?

Only time will tell.
