A Sense of Helplessness

I tried writing a blog about Orlando.

Specifically how disconnected I felt from it all.

This blog will probably get off-track and into dubious territory pretty quickly, so probably best abandon all hope ye who enter here…

I didn’t mean being disconnected *specifically* from that most recent event; I meant all ‘similar’ events (apologies if classing it as ‘just one of yet another mass shootings in the US’ diminishes people’s particular emotions with regards to this most recent one) - which expands to include the Paris shootings (Bataclan/Charlie Hebdo), “current events in Syria” [which frankly I just don’t know what that is anymore], and quite probably the countless tragic events/ongoing situations in recent months and years that have either passed me by; or just washed over me as yet another example of how I shirk the impossible task of fixing all that is wrong with humanity.

Orlando is undoubtedly a tragedy; especially for the community that has been specifically targeted. And, not being part of that community, I can’t truly appreciate the significance of it.

Which is exactly the same sensation I get when any US-shooting takes place; or any form of conflict; or when the news in general plays out.


Is that wrong?


I wonder what I am supposed to do in these situations.

I like to think if the situation was much more proximal to where I am (obviously I am not wishing this to occur!) I would do what I can in my limited capacity; but when it happens outside of your control - and where you can see the error of logic that has caused person X to do something abhorrent, where you can see how you would have acted differently - it is difficult to figure out where your emotions lie.


By way of contrast, the company where I work got taken over today [well, paperwork still to be finalised etc., but it does seem certain] - and, in an instant this morning; all thoughts about Orlando, my friends in the LGBTQIA community, they instantly went out of my head for a while; replaced by some grand-scheme-of-things-less-important-but-immediately-challenging-to-my-privileged-life thoughts, that I can’t help but accept were perfectly understandable.


I was going to try and weave in the EU referendum as well here (because - why the fuck not - in for a penny, in for a pound) because it just has so many problems, but frankly my head can’t take it at the moment.


So I’ll just go back to my ivory tower, worry about my own immediate problems, and pretend that the world is actually a nice place, people aren’t morons, and cling on to the hope that it is all a terrible mistake and things will be better in the next life.

Oh wait, I’m not religious.


This has been a feature presentation from the Not Really Sure What I’m On About party.

Thank you for listening.


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