Afraid to Talk

This may seem like the most obvious statement in the history of anything, but conversation is the only way in which we can put across our world view. [And by ‘world view’ I don’t just mean our philosophies/beliefs about Life, The Universe and Everything; I also mean what you thought of that episode of a TV series you watched, what you made of the food you’ve just eaten, etc.] You could argue that there are other ways in which you can communicate - art is often cited as one such medium - but how can you communicate something without the context of words, about a piece of music/painting/sculpture etc. Whilst I’m sure this has been attempted - a piece of music written expressly to convey a person’s feelings about another piece of music they have heard - I don’t believe that can be successful as it relies on the narrative in the composer’s head being successfully interpreted by the listener. Now I am fully aware that even putting words around the piece of music (say in t...