Filling in the Blanks Pt 2
There’s one of those catchy song snippets that keeps popping up in TV trails (I think it’s for Strictly, but I could be wrong), where the phrase “let’s skip to the good bit”, before something sound remarkably like the riff from EMF’s Unbelievable kicks in. And whilst that sentiment is all very well, female-songstress; it isn’t entirely practical. What I was intending on talking about in my previous blog was the knowledge/experience gaps that are making themselves known to me in my life. Instead I ended up talking about how everyone changes in their personality/outlook/etc. as time advances forward – and how relationships wax and wane between people, depending on where your shared interests (or increasing lack of) take you. - This blog is more about figuring out how to fill in the ‘blanks’ in my life; because despite the aforementioned aphorism – you can’t just skip to the good bit. Yes there are shortcuts that can be bought, or uncovered via the internet –...