
Showing posts from June, 2024

The Problem

  I guess what I'm starting to realise is what happens when you start to question everything - societal structures; capitalism; citizenship - is that very little appears to lie outside of these constructs. Maybe that's obvious to everyone but me; but here I am. Some of these questions have been developing for quite some time now: I started questioning my existence as a citizen of the United Kingdom through the 2010 and 2015 general elections, and subsequent Brexit vote. All of which led - in part - to the formation of the Ministry of Ginger, which became a more solid concept in April 2019, and issued a Statement of Intent a few years ago, about dissociating from the UK in some ways A broader questioning of social structures has always been prevalent in my own personal development; I guess I might point to realising that I am ethically non-monogamous a decade or so ago, as one example - but others around class, religion, gender and others have for sure filtered through my mind