What's The Point of Christmas?
I'm trying to get this out of my head whilst the sensation is still fresh. Genuinely - what was the point of all that? What was the point of Christmas? I have no doubt that folks reading this have their own interpretations of what Christmas is - be it a religious observation; a familial event; a cultural bonanza; a shopping spree; an excuse to spend time with people you love. The latter absolutely used to be the case for me; and certainly on some levels was still the case for me for Christmas 2023. But I still find myself questioning what was the point; and why did I feel obliged to participate in a cultural juggernaut, when it's origins are so muddled in recent times? - It strikes me that the most prevalent version of Christmas ( in the UK at least ) is the commercialised one. Maybe not even figure-headed by Santa now - it's a pure economy-driving emblem, especially since Covid began - and without joining the choir of purists, I can't recall the last mention of Jesus...