P is also for Polyamory

If you had asked me 17 months ago ‘what is Polyamory?’ I would have made some terrible joke about ‘it’s where parrots go to get their armour fitted’. Because I really did know nothing about Polyamory back then - about a lot of things in fact. But since then I have discovered a lot more about myself and the ways in which people operate in modern society, and I’ve met some pretty damn awesome people along the way. For those of you still putting together the vaguely cryptic messages I have made over the last few months; let me get to the point: I identify as Polyamorous in terms of my relationships. I know this for a few reasons - one, my girlfriend is in two other open relationships, which is not only awesome for her, but it means I have a unique friendship with one of her partners (the other isn’t exactly local so that is less simple!), and occasionally (well, once so far) we go off somewhere and have a great day out together. Another reason I know I am ‘Poly...