
Showing posts from July, 2014

[ And Now For Something Completely Expected ]

It’s… *WARNING: Post likely contains unbearable amounts of smugness* I have genuinely struggled to remember who or what introduced me to Monty Python. You might think it was a lightning-bolt revelatory moment in my formative years that sticks out like a tiger in Africa - but surprisingly it doesn’t. I can only assume that in the early internet days where people would email silly songs and things that they’ve found online to each other, that I got one of Eric Idle’s songs (Radio Song rings an early bell) sent to me, or just stuck on a floppy disk that I had given to me - another early method of sharing things found online amongst my school peers. But however it happened, along with the likes of BlackAdder; Python was - and still is - the formative backbone of my sense of humour. I’m not going to spend ages directing you to key sketches - or arguing about who killed who; because those of you that love Python will already know them - even if you don’t know Pyth...