Diversity World Tour
The buzzword at my place of work at the moment is ‘diversity’. At least most of the time, this is referring to cultural diversity, as opposed to the dance troupe of the same name. By “ways of making our workplace a better place to work”, ‘diversity’ is being embraced – there’s a diversity group I believe that meets every week, to no doubt discuss diverse things – and perhaps the most obvious development in this area has been the opening of a ‘contemplation room’. I think it is fair to say that the predominant use of this room will be by our employees who are of the Muslim faith [and technically any Jewish employees also, as I understand they have to pray 3 times a day], as opposed to any Christian believers – largely because Christians aren’t obliged to pay multiple times in the day, and also because I think it is a fair generalisation that UK-based Christians are less religiously active more so than ever these days; certainly in an ‘actively practising your religion’...